About Us

Diana D. Williams Transformational Leader

Diana D. Williams
Transformational Leader

  At Leadership Lessons, we answer Cutting-Edge questions for 21st Century Leaders

Why learn about leadership?   Isn’t leadership just about common sense, a good intuition, and learning from experience?  Yes — and no.   These are all part of the equation.   But learning formal leadership theories and techniques equips you to approach problems from more than one perspective.  And this multiplies the quality of your decision-making skills, making you a measurably more effective leader (Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy, 2012).

Is it really important?   Absolutely!  Think about this.  The industrial revolution produced a need for scientific management in order to optimize the workforce, and the manufacturing era emphasized the production of goods, causing production workers to dominate the economy.   We now live in the knowledge era, which emphasizes what Chinowsky, Molenaar, and Realph (2007) refer to as “. . . an era where the manipulation and application of knowledge  takes primacy over the production of components” (Chinowsky et al., 2007, p. 27).   What this means is that the knowledge worker — the skilled employee who knows how to manage and use knowledge to solve problems — will dominate the workplace of the 21st Century.  These skilled technicians will dominate through what are called learning organizations,”  if  they have learned to balanced that skill with honesty and integrity, skills that will be equally important.

What are Learning Organizations?   The learning organization is the 21st-Century answer to 21st-Century challenges.  These organizations create what’s called a learning culture where every employee is a continuous learner and problem solver.   Globalization has increased competition, and advanced technologies coupled with the Internet have created an  environment filled with instability and rapid change.   This means that organizations must learn to effectively manage constant change, and they do it  by the manipulation and application of knowledge to solve unique problems in creative and innovative ways.

What will I find at Leadership Lessons?   Knowledge — which by the way, is called the new type of labor.   But it’s not knowledge just for the sake of getting knowledge.  In the learning organization, it’s only the knowledge that you can use to solve organizational problems that will matter.   Here at Leadership Lessons, we present knowledge in different formats to appeal to every type of learner.  Under the Meat Eaters” tab is the more weightier material.  “Picture It”  is where you’ll find information in video or graphic format.   At the “Hear This” tab, are podcasts and audio messages.  You may find anything at “Tidbits”.   We’ll call that the junk drawer.   Things in that drawer will be short and pithy.

You will find a plethora of knowledge here, that when absorbed and creatively applied can literally catapult you to a new level of leadership.   So what are you waiting for?   Let’s start learning!


Chinowsky, P., Molenaar, K., & Realph, A. (2007). Learning Organizations in Construction. Journal Of Management In

     Engineering,  23(1), 27-34. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0742-597X(2007)23:1(27)

Hughes, R.L., Ginnett, R.C., Curphy, G.J.  (2012).  Leadership enhancing the lessons of experience seventh edition.  

      McGraw-Hill Irwin.  New York, NY.

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